Volume 17 - Review of Economics and Finance
Abbreviated key title: R. Econ. and Finan.
Volume 17, Year 2019
Call for Paper: submission@refpress.org
Budget Deficits, Money Supply and Price Level in West Africa - (Pages 01-8)
Yaya Keho
DOI: https://doi.org/10.35341/2314-5419.2019.17.1
Chinese Born Global Firms and International Entrepreneurial Mechanism
- (Pages 9-16)
Junjie Zhang, Rongyao Cheng , Weibin Wang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.35341/2314-5419.2019.17.2
Real Wages, Inflation, and Labor Productivity: Evidences from Bulgaria and Romania - (Pages 24-36)
Chaido Dritsakia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.35341/2314-5419.2019.17.3
Balance Sheet Classification of Compound Financial Instruments and The Judgment of Securities Market Analysts
- (Pages 37-54)
Jorge Vieira da Costa Jr, Alfredo Sarlo Neto, Andrea Bispo da Silva
DOI: https://doi.org/10.35341/2314-5419.2019.17.4