A Comparison of Emerging and Developed Economy Portfolio Performance Under COVID-19
(Pages 726-739)James Macdonald1 and Gary van Vuuren2,*
1School of Economics Faculty of Commerce University of Cape Town Rondebosch Cape Town South Africa
2Centre for Business Mathematics and Informatics North-West University Potchefstroom Campus South Africa
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2022.20.83
Orientation: The performance of three different portfolio allocation strategies is assessed in a developed and a developing economy during different economic conditions over a period of seven years.
Research purpose: Evaluate the performance of the portfolios – namely, the tangent, minimum-variance, and maximally diversified portfolio – across a developed and a developing economy and investigate the advantages and disadvantages that each portfolio poses in differing economic conditions.
Motivation for the study: Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each of these portfolios in times of crisis
and in times of economic expansion could assist asset managers in making effectiveallocation decisions for their
portfolios in different economic conditions.
Research approach/design and method: Portfolio optimisation under various constraints.
Main findings: Tangent portfolios produced superior returns to the other portfolios and the US portfolios consistently outperformed the South African ones. The minimum variance portfolio provided greater returns and downside
protection than the maximally diversified portfolio during the COVID-19 market crash for the developed economy,
while the opposite was observed for the developing economy.
Practical/managerial implications: Practical knowledge of how each of the portfolios perform within different
economic climates can assist asset managers to produce positive performance in times of recession and expansion.
Contribution/value-add: Information and analysis on each of these portfolio asset allocation strategies during various economic conditions assists asset managers in finding the most effective way to structure their portfolios.
COVID-19, portfolio performance, developing economy.
How to Cite:
James Macdonald and Gary van Vuuren. A Comparison of Emerging and Developed Economy Portfolio Performance Under COVID-19. [ref]: vol.20.2022. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol20-a83/
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