Tax Policy in Limiting the Consumption of Luxury Goods
(Pages 165-171)Yossinomita*
Faculty of Management and Business Science, University of Dinamika Bangsa,
Jambi, Indonesia.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2022.20.19
This literature review explores tax policy in reducing or limiting the consumption of luxury goods. This exploration has crucial theoretical and practical significance with the rapid development of the economy and technology, in which the income level of the people has increased rapidly. Excessive consumption of luxury goods will have a negative impact on the country's economic development. This is because inequality is widening, income is reduced, social equality is lost, and the demand for domestic goods will weaken. These issues will later cause widespread public concern. The policy to reduce or limit the consumption of luxury goods marked by an increase in consumption outflows is the adjustment of taxes on luxury goods. As one of the macroeconomic control policies taken by the government, the adjustment of tariffs, income taxes, and consumption taxes on luxury goods has proven to be effective in controlling the demand for luxury goods. Several international studies have obtained a fairly in-depth analysis of this issue from a tax policy perspective. This study attempts to explore the international research literature on tax policy in limiting the consumption of luxury goods.
Consumption Tax, Tax Rate, Consumer Behaviour, Luxury Goods.
JEL Classification:
Q58; E62; C91; M31.
How to Cite:
Yossinomita. Tax Policy in Limiting the Consumption of Luxury Goods. [ref]: vol.20.2022. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol20-a19/
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