Life Insurance and Economic Growth Nexus: Evidence from Tunisia
(Pages 311-317)Mouna Zerriaa*
Univ. Manouba, ESCT, LARIMRAF LR21ES29, Campus universitaire Manouba, 2010, Tunisie, Institut des Hautes Etudes à Tunis (IHE Tunis).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2024.22.33
This paper examines the existence of a causal relationship between the life insurance sector and economic growth in Tunisia between 1990 and 2019. The study applies the Johansen cointegration test and the Granger causality test based on the vector autoregressive model (VAR) to demonstrate the possible causal link. Our empirical results provide evidence that life insurance industry has a significant positive effect on the growth of Tunisian economy in the short-run. A unidirectional causality was found to run from aggregate life insurance penetration to economic growth to support the “supply-leading” hypothesis. The findings suggest that the life insurance sector of Tunisia could eventually reinforce the country’s economic growth through financial intermediation.
life insurance, economic growth, supply-leading hypothesis, Tunisia.
How to Cite:
Mouna Zerriaa. Life Insurance and Economic Growth Nexus: Evidence from Tunisia. [ref]: vol.22.2024. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol22-a33/
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