The Impact of Human Capital Development on Economic Growth in Morocco: An ARDL Modeling Approach
(Pages 227-237)Salma Achamlal* and Redouan Abdenour
Mohamed V University, Rabat Morocco.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2024.22.25
The following article aims to assess the influence of human capital on the economic growth in Morocco during the period extending from 1990 up till 2019. In order to apprehend this correlation, the GDP is used as an economic growth measuring tool while educational expenses, life expectancy, primary education enrollment rate as well as the labor force participation rate are weighted as human capital indicators. As in for Data used, it is provided mainly from the World Bank. To analyze the short along with the long term impact of the human capital on the economic growth, ARDL approach of the co-integration along with the error correction model are applied. The outcomes highlight a positive and significant effect of human capital, noticed by some of its components on the economic growth both in the short and long term. Moreover, the estimated models have successfully passed all diagnostic tests. These theoretical findings have crucial empirical implications, spotlighting the positive aspect of human capital on economic growth, both directly and through variables such as investment in physical capital.
Economic growth, human capital, education, health, ARDL.
How to Cite:
Salma Achamlal and Redouan Abdenour. The Impact of Human Capital Development on Economic Growth in Morocco: An ARDL Modeling Approach. [ref]: vol.22.2024. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol22-a25/
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