Gravitational Dynamics of Trade: Exploring Morocco's Economic Diplomacy and Trade Strategies in Africa
(Pages 189-198)Houriya Bouya* and Houda Lechheb
Laboratory of Economics and Public Policy, Faculté d'Economie et de Gestion, IbnTofail University, Kenitra, Morocco.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2024.22.22
This article examines Morocco's trade dynamics with African countries from 2010 to 2020, using a spatial gravity model to analyze the complex interdependencies of bilateral trade. This methodological approach goes beyond traditional models by taking into account spatial and temporal interactions in commercial exchanges. This model allows for a nuanced analysis of how Morocco's trade is affected not only by direct bilateral relations, but also by broader regional and global trade networks. The results suggest that while some factors such as economic scale and land endowment have a significant impact on trade volume, others such as geographic distance and free trade agreements have less statistical significance. This knowledge is essential for shaping future trade policies and understanding the complexities of international trade in a globalized world.
Trade dynamics, economic diplomacy, spatial gravity model, international trade, regional trade agreements.
JEL Classification:
C01, C21, F13, F14, F23, F53.
How to Cite:
Houriya Bouya and Houda Lechheb. Gravitational Dynamics of Trade: Exploring Morocco's Economic Diplomacy and Trade Strategies in Africa. [ref]: vol.22.2024. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol22-a22/
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