Understanding the State of Environmental Valuation Research: a Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature

(Pages 869-881)

Alessandro Stasi1,* and Alfonso Pellegrino2
1Mahidol University International College.
2Sasin School of Management, Chulalongkorn University.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.95


This article proposes an extensive investigation of the prevailing methodologies of environmental valuation, offering a comprehensive synthesis and critical assessment of the literature. A bibliometric analysis of 531 articles revealed a higher prevalence of stated preference methods over revealed preference methods. However, a notable lack of consensus was identified regarding the valuation of ecosystem services, reflecting the varied individual preferences towards different types of benefits. The main contribution of the study lies in the critical evaluation of these valuation methodologies, exposing their discrepancies and areas for enhancement. This work sets a new benchmark for future research, promoting a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of ecosystems and fostering the integration of various valuation methods. Future research should explore the incorporation of machine learning techniques to more effectively analyze and utilize the large amounts of data being collected.


Choice method; choice method experimentation; contingent valuation; environmental valuation; willingness to pay

How to Cite:

Alessandro Stasi and Alfonso Pellegrino. Understanding the State of Environmental Valuation Research: a Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol21-a95/

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