Taxation and Economic Growth in Transition Economies
(Pages 776-782)Shapovalova Alla1,*, Prokopova Olena1, Kuzmenko Olena1, Saienko Volodymyr2 and Larysa Lazebnyk3
1Department of Accounting and Taxation, State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine.
2Department of Innovation Management Academy of Applied Sciences, Academy of Management and Administration, Opole, Poland.
3Department of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Economic Security, Educational and Scientific Institute of Economic Security and Customs, State Tax University, Irpin, Ukraine.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.83
The purpose of the study is to identify the impact of taxation on economic growth in transition economies. Research methodology based on K-Means Clustering and Panel Regression Analysis. The study's results identified significant features and positive changes in taxation in transition economies. It was revealed that there is a direct correlation between Tax Revenue and GDP growth. The obtained results have scientific and practical significance as they can be used in the tax policy and its components' justification as tools of economic development in transition economies.
Economic growth; GDP; taxation; tax revenues; transition economies.
JEL Classification:
H2, F43, O4, P2.
How to Cite:
Shapovalova Alla, Prokopova Olena, Kuzmenko Olena, Saienko Volodymyr and Larysa Lazebnyk. Taxation and Economic Growth in Transition Economies. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol21-a83/
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