Strategic Security Imperatives in the Development of Communities in the Post-War Period in Ukraine
(Pages 723-730)Kravtsov Oleg1, Kravtsova Тetiana2, Lashenko Oksana3, Lola Viktoriia4, Rudik Nadiia5 and Holokha Liubov6
1Associate Professor of Department of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate
Professor, Dnipro University of Technology, Education and Research Institute of Public Administration, Department of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Dnipro, Ukraine; 2Associate Professor of Department of Public Administration and Local Self Government, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dnipro University of Technology, Education and Research Institute of Public Administration, Department of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Dnipro, Ukraine. 3Associate Рrofessor of Department of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Dnipro University of Technology, Education and Research Institute of Public Administration, Department of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Dnipro, Ukraine. 4Аssociate Рrofessor of Department of Applied Economics, Entrepreneurship and Public Administration, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Dnipro University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Department of Applied Eeconomics, Entrepreneurship and Public Administration, Dnipro, Ukraine. 5Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Law and European Integration, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Faculty of Management of Energy and Economic Processes, Department of Economics and Management, Dnipro, Ukraine. 6Library Director, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, University of Customs and Finance, Library, Dnipro, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.77
In the context of the war, the Ukrainian government authorities have faced new challenges and tasks in providing administrative services, ensuring the operation of business entities, organizing the territorial defense of communities, evacuating the population, social protection of internally displaced persons, etc. These challenges are facilitated by the unprecedented cohesion of Ukrainian society, which has become a reliable basis for the social stability of the state and national resistance to the Russian invasion. The rapid unification of Ukrainian society and civic institutions has occurred primarily because of the democratization of social relations in Ukraine over the years of independence, based on the establishment of national values. Nowadays, the formation of a high-quality security system for the above-mentioned processes is of paramount importance. The article aims to identify the peculiarities and basic theoretical foundations and outline the strategic prospects for the development of security of territorial communities in Ukraine in the post-war period. Methodology. In the course of the research, the analytical and bibliographic method was applied to study the scientific literature on the development of administrative units. Induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of information, system-structural, comparative, logical, and linguistic methods, abstraction, and idealization were employed to study and process data. Moreover, the authors conducted an online questionnaire survey to clarify the most important issues related to the security aspects of the development of territorial communities. Results. According to the results of the study, the main most important theoretical aspects of the issue of community development in the post-war period in Ukraine were identified. Furthermore, the viewpoints of scientists and heads of departments of local self-government bodies on key aspects of this issue were explored.
Revitalization, information security, economic security, health protection, public administration, digital transformation, European integration.
How to Cite:
Kravtsov Oleg, Kravtsova Тetiana, Lashenko Oksana, Lola Viktoriia, Rudik Nadiia and Holo kha Liubov. Strategic Security Imperatives in the Development of Communities in the Post-War Period in Ukraine. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol21-a77/
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