The Effect of Product Quality, Promotion and Electronic Word of Mouth System on Purchase Decisions on the Robusta Coffee Industry in Bali

(Pages 709-716)

Pande Ketut Ribek*, Yenny Verawati, Ni Luh Gede Putu Purnawati, I Gusti Agung Diah Pradnya Putri
and Arista Dwi Kurniawan
Economics and Business Faculty, Mahasaraswati University, Bali – Indonesia


The development of the business world at the time of COVID 19 has changed the order of people's lives in the business world, especially in businesses that depend on foreign consumers. One business that is very dependent on foreign consumers is the coffee business located in Pujungan Tabanan Bali. Very competitive competition also causes a decline in sales. The development of coffee businesses or coffee shops in various regions triggers competition in product quality and price and maximizes promotions in finding consumers. One of the factors that influence purchasing decisions is that the better the quality of the products produced, the more opportunities for consumers to make purchasing decisions. This study aims to analyze the effect of product quality, promotion and electronic word of mouth system on purchasing decisions in the robusta coffee industry in Bali. This study uses a quantitative method with a population of coffee customers totaling 130 people with a saturated sample. Analysis using SEM PLS 3.0. The results of the study explain that the influence of product quality, and electronic word of mouth system has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. However, promotion has no effect on purchasing decisions. The novelty of the results of this study is that the measurement of the production process using full wash on robusta coffee can improve purchasing decisions. Promotion is not able to improve purchasing decisions for robusta coffee in Bali.


Product quality, Promotion, E-WOM System, Purchase decision, Coffee, Industry.

How to Cite:

Pande Ketut Ribek, Yenny Verawati, Ni Luh Gede Putu Purnawati, I Gusti Agung Diah Pradnya Putri and Arista Dwi Kurniawan. The Effect of Product Quality, Promotion and Electronic Word of Mouth System on Purchase Decisions on the Robusta Coffee Industry in Bali. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at:

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