Formation of Adaptation Strategy for Business Entities in the Context of Digital Transformation of the Economy
(Pages 616-621)Diana Galoyan1,*, Tatul Mkrtchyan1, Viktoriia Hrosul2, Roman Buhrimenko3, Polina Smirnova4 and Hanna Balamut5
1Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Armenian State University of Economics, Yerevan, Armenia.
2Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, State Biotechnological University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
3Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, State Biotechnological University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
4PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, State Biotechnological University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
5PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, State Biotechnological University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.64
State influence on scientific and technical progress is a factor that directly shapes modern phenomena such as global and national information societies, which in turn influence the state itself and the activities of business entities. As a result, constant social relations require reform, regardless of their legal nature. This study aims to identify possible ways to implement the idea of enterprises' functioning in the context of intensified use of information and telecommunication technologies. The authors used the following general methods of scientific cognition in this research: system analysis, dialectical, formal-logical, structural-functional, and several empirical methods. The conclusion was drawn regarding forming a strategy for adapting business entities as an integral element of enterprise development management. The need for a single correct strategy for adapting business to digital technologies was identified. A leader's role in implementing an enterprise's development strategy was emphasized. Finally, the meaningful content of the plan for adapting business entities to digitalization was proposed, with the outlining of goals, implementation measures, their sequence within an extended period, and its consolidation in plans, projects, and programs of various types; the organization of fulfilling planned tasks; methods of accounting, control, and analysis of the implementation of scheduled tasks. The study's conclusions are relevant and useful both for subjects of governmental authority regarding the implementation of tools for influencing the digitalization of entrepreneurship and for business entities in the context of the actualization of digitization trends in almost all aspects of practical activities. The authors substantiate the expediency of introducing the position of a "special commissioner on digitalization," whose authority will include control and regulation of the gradual enterprise transition to the practice of digital technologies implementation.
Strategy, adaptation, digital transformation, business management economics.
How to Cite:
Diana Galoyan, Tatul Mkrtchyan, Viktoriia Hrosul, Roman Buhrimenko, Polina Smirnova and Hanna Balamut. Formation of Adaptation Strategy for Business Entities in the Context of Digital Transformation of the Economy. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol21-a64/
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