Clusters in the Strategy of Economic Development (Clusters of Cities)
(Pages 599-608)Hanna Skyba1,*, Mariana Fedyk2, Nataliia Antoniuk3, Yuliia Zhukova4 and Viktoriia Harkava5
1PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management.
2PhD in Economics, Assistant of the Department of Analitical and International Economics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
3Doctor of Economics, Professor, KEDGE business school, Marseille, France, Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education.
4Associate Professor of the Department of International Economics, candidate of economic sciences, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of International Economics, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
5Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of Management and Project Management, Pylyp Orlyk International Classical University.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.62
Cluster-based economic development within the framework of regions’ smart specialization is gaining popularity due to several advantages in uniting firms around a particular type of activity. The purpose of the academic paper was to determine the role of city clusters in regional economic development strategies using the example of IT clusters of Ukraine and their activities within the city limits, and also spreading influence to neighboring countries. The research methodology included the methods of systematic analysis of quantitative and qualitative data on factors influencing the functioning of Kyiv and Lviv clusters. The method of comparing indicators of foreign trade in computer and information services of the regions was chosen to assess the development of clusters depending on the factors influencing their activity (innovations, scientific research and development, networks of higher educational institutions (HEIs)). The authors analyzed the strategies of smart specialization of the regions. The results show differences in developing IT clusters in the cities of Lviv and Kyiv, taking into account the different strategies of smart specialization. The IT sphere in Lviv region is included in the economic policy of the region. The cooperation of authorities and scientific institutes is defined as key favorable factors for development. As a result, the level of export of computer services in the region is increasing. On the other hand, there is an insufficient level of cooperation between the public-private and scientific sectors in Kyiv region. A decrease in the number of scientists in investigations and development in the region, an insufficient level of innovative activity of enterprises can be observed. As a result, the export volume of computer and information services is significantly lower in Kyiv region. The originality of the research lies in comparing the results of developing two IT clusters of cities, the factors affecting their functioning in the context of regions’ smart specialization strategies.
Competitiveness, clusters, cluster concept, organized collaboration, cluster-based economic development, economic diversification, economic policy.
How to Cite:
Hanna Skyba, Mariana Fedyk, Nataliia Antoniuk, Yuliia Zhukova and Viktoriia Harkava. Clusters in the Strategy of Economic Development (Clusters of Cities). [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol21-a62/
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