Effective Global Recruitment Strategy: Cultural Competence
(Pages 592-598)Kateryna Bannikova1,* and Kateryna Mykhaylyova2
1Director of Talent Acquisition and Human Resources, (PhD). Scientific degree: Candidate. Specialty: Sociological sciences. 22.00.04 - Special and sectoral sociology, Kharkiv University of Humanities “People’s Ukrainian Academy”, Ukraine.
2Vice-rector on Education, Professor of Sociology Department, Doctor of Sociology, Full Professor, Scientific degree: Doctor. Specialty: Sociological sciences. 22.00.01 - Theory and History of Sociology, Kharkiv University of Humanities “People’s Ukrainian Academy”, Ukraine.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.61
In the current dynamic and growing global market, effective talent acquisition is essential to boost efficiency and growth of the company. However, many industries struggle with a shortage of skilled workforce. The post-pandemic world has made it possible to hire remote and distributed teams of qualified employees, but this requires cultural competence and cultural awareness of recruiters to succeed in recruiting in various countries making it an important aspect of the global talent acquisition strategy. This article analyzes global recruitment strategies based on cultural competence, exploring modern methods to find, hire, and retain appropriate talent. Scientific research methods, as well as methods of induction, comparison, and axiological method, were used in writing this article. The study's findings showcase the characteristics of contemporary recruitment approaches, examine the influence of cross-cultural competence (aspects of cultural competence) in creating a multinational team, and identify the nuances of work and communication in teams comprising workers from Ukraine, Spain, and Great Britain, drawing on Erin Meyer's cultural map. Incorporating cultural competence can help resolve conflicts, establish teamwork, and introduce innovation. In conclusion, practical recommendations are offered for recruiters to improve their cultural knowledge for effective recruitment in these three countries.
Cultural competence, Mixed-cultural teams, Mixed culture, Corporations, Management, Recruiting, Global talent acquisition.
How to Cite:
Kateryna Bannikova and Kateryna Mykhaylyova. Effective Global Recruitment Strategy: Cultural Competence. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol21-a61/
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