Study on the World's Health Financial Models and Vietnam's Health Financial Model
(Pages 2754-2759)Nguyen Thi Huu Ai*, Le Thi Xuan Huong and Nguyen Nguyen Zen
University of Labour and Social Affairs, Vietnam.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.298
The article has presented the theoretical basis of health finance, health finance sources, health finance models, health financial performance, and equity. Based on the time of birth, characteristics and correlation of the world and Vietnam health financing models, we have selected four typical world health finance models to conduct our research and included in this post. The four models referred to are the British Beveridge Model, Russia's Semashko Model, Germany's Bismarck Model, and the US private insurance-based health financing model. Through the method of meta-analysis, the authors assess the development process of Vietnam's health finance model from a centralized economy to a change to a socialist-oriented market economy. Identify some limitations of the world financial model compared to the economic and political situation in Vietnam. The research results also give us a better understanding of the importance of a health financing model that is suitable for their social security and economic development. The article also makes the assessment that the mixed health financing model is the best model for the economy and politics of Vietnam. However, this model cannot avoid some shortcomings such as the high cost of generating resources, the unsecured fairness of budget allocation for the health system, and direct out-of-pocket payments making low-income people unable to access high-quality healthcare services.
Equity, Financial Resources, Health financial model, Performance, Vietnam.
JEL Classification Codes:
H51, I13.
How to Cite:
Nguyen Thi Huu Ai, Le Thi Xuan Huong and Nguyen Nguyen Zen. Study on the World's Health Financial Models and Vietnam's Health Financial Model. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol21-a298/
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