The Working Patent and Pharmaceutical Industry Development in Indonesia

(Pages 304-315)

Kholis Roisah*, Rahayu and Diaz Rachmanda
Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro, Jalan dr. Antonius Suroyo, Tembalang, Semarang City, Central Java 50275, Indonesia.


Regulations regarding the working of pharmaceutical patents are intended to encourage invention, innovation, investment and transfer of technology. The fact is that the pharmaceutical industry is more interested in producing generic drugs than producing research drugs. The main objective to be achieved in this research is to answer predetermined problems, namely to explore and analyze the local working requirement policies, especially in the field of pharmaceutical patents linked to pharmaceutical industry development policies in order to fulfill drug availability for the public. By using analytical descriptive analysis, the findings the Indonesian pharmaceutical industry has not been able to achieve new drug discovery because there are still many obstacles, especially from the investment aspect. The national pharmaceutical industry has more interests in meeting market demand for pharmaceutical products in the context of the availability of drugs needed by the public. The development of of the pharmaceutical industry and medicinal raw materials in Indonesia is mainly constrained by technology and human resource capabilities. synthetic products produced is a lack of support from the upstream chemical industry. Potential opportunities for the development of biotechnology-based medicinal raw materials, by utilizing the wealth of biodiversity in Indonesia which is a potential resource in the pharmaceutical sector. The diversity of plants, microorganisms and marine biota is directly correlated with chemical diversity which has enormous potential for drug development.


Working patent, Pharmaceutical industry, Intellectual Property Rights.


H75; I18; K22; K23; O34.

How to Cite:

Kholis Roisah, Rahayu and Diaz Rachmanda. The Working Patent and Pharmaceutical Industry Development in Indonesia. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at:

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