Does Web3 Application contribute to Poverty Alleviation?

(Pages 2326-2332)

Muhammad Amrullah1,*, M. Pudjihardjo2, Iswan Noor2 and Setyo Tri Wahyudi2
1Economics Doctoral Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya.
2Department of Economic, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya.


This study proposes the contribution of Web3 application to poverty alleviation. A Web3-based digital application that utilizes blockchain technology to mining of digital currency assets for free without capital was also highlighted. Furthermore, the latest evidence linking Blockchain application to poverty reduction in Kampung Singaraja village in Buleleng Regency was discussed. The research was conducted using interviews to key informant and the results showed that the Web3 project considered the next generation of cryptocurrency, significantly increased asset ownership by key informant and impact on the success way to out of poverty. The Presence of Web3 applications, especially to underprivileged people, by helping to get out of the poverty trap is the real contribution of Blockchain for Development (B4D). This is expected to provide a real opportunity for poor people to consistently obtain digital assets in the form of digital currency for free to escape poverty by using smartphone.


Blockchain Technology, Blockchain for Development, Web3 Project, Poverty Alleviation.

How to Cite:

Muhammad Amrullah, M. Pudjihardjo, Iswan Noor and Setyo Tri Wahyudi. Does Web3 Application contribute to Poverty Alleviation?. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at:

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