The Impact of the Human Resource Management in the Companies in Northern Macedonia
(Pages 2128-2133)Arben Jusufi* and Artan Haziri
Univerziteti per Biznes dhe Teknologji, Kicevo, Macedonia.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.229
Ours is a time of constant struggle to gain competitive advantage on the market. Companies are restructuring themselves into increasingly efficient and compact organizations that seek to cut costs and increase productivity on one hand and improve corporate responsibility and behavior on the other. But there, as Marx famously explained lies the basis contradiction between the market and social forces. For, no matter how good the manager or leader is, no company, a government, or a university would function properly if the main factor, namely the employees, are forgotten. Although some experts may contest the fact that the employees are the most important resource that an organization has human resources are the blood of the business system. Be it the most ordinary public bus drivers, neurosurgeons at the clinic or miners, transportation workers around the capital, medical care and Coca-Cola cans alone will not be serviced. Someone has to conceive and design these products and services, produce them, market them and finally sell them. Without well-chosen employees, people with the right skills, education, enthusiasm and will to progress, productivity and profitability would suffer. This paper analyzes the theories and principles for human resource management worldwide along with an analysis of the current situation in the Republic of North Macedonia in terms of human resources and the representation of professional staff for HRM. The conclusion derived points to the fact that the human resource management should really be devised for the humanity and not the capital to prosper.
Human resource management, globalism, cultural differences, cultural stereotype.
How to Cite:
Arben Jusufi and Artan Haziri. The Impact of the Human Resource Management in the Companies in Northern Macedonia. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol21-a229/
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