Structural and Functional Model of the Social Sphere: Methodological Approaches and Legal Framework
(Pages 2003-2010)Halyna Lopushniak1, Iryna Verkhovod1, Roman Oleksenko2, Tetiana Vonberg1, Khrystyna Stoliaruk1 and Hanna Smaliichuk1
1Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine.
2Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.215
The relevance of the study is that the social sphere should have a structural and functional model that will ensure human needs for security, education, work, health and well-being. In general, social sector development concerns how states and societies respond to the global challenges of social, demographic and economic change, as well as poverty, migration and globalization. The structural-functional model distinguishes between the different roles of national governments, families, civil society, the market, and international organizations in providing services and support across the life course from childhood to old age. The development of the social sphere is aimed at identifying and finding ways to reduce inequalities in access to services and support between social groups defined by socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, migration status, gender, sexual orientation, disability and age, etc. The article determines that, for this purpose, the structural and functional model of the social sphere provides for the allocation of the following sectors: cultural and educational complex, medical and health care complex, social and household complex, system of social and labor relations, social protection system, and social processes. The structural functional model of the social sphere envisages interventions (state regulation through legal norms) that directly affect the transformation of social welfare, social institutions and social relations. In Ukraine, the development of the social sector is becoming increasingly important due to the growing provision of social services.
Social sphere, structure of the social sphere, functional model, social services, social protection.
How to Cite:
Halyna Lopushniak, Iryna Verkhovod, Roman Oleksenko, Tetiana Vonberg, Khrystyna Stoliaruk and Hanna Smaliichuk. Structural and Functional Model of the Social Sphere: Methodological Approaches and Legal Framework. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol21-a215/
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