Trends in the Development of Innovative Processes in the Global Economy: Ukraine as an Example
(Pages 1893-1903)Mohylna Liudmyla1, Xu Tian2, Pizniak Dmytro2, Dashutina Liudmyla1,* and Turchina Svitlana1
1Ph.D in Economics Science, Associate Professor of Management Department named after Professor L.I. Mykhaylova, Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, Ukraine.
2PhD student in Management, Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, Ukraine.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.204
The article confirms the relevance and importance of the development of innovative processes, which is an important factor in economic progress that benefits consumers, enterprises and the economy as a whole. The research is based on the analysis of actual material of international ratings of innovative activity, indicators of European countries, global indices, as well as scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists. Based on a comprehensive approach, the place of Ukraine in the rating of innovative capacity was investigated, and the actual state of innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises by types of economic activity was assessed. Analyzing the current trends, we found that there is a big gap between the technologies that are presented at conferences and symposiums in Ukraine, and what is implemented and used in the real sector. It was found that industry in Ukraine has always been more innovatively active than agricultural producers. The degree of implementation of advanced digital technologies in agricultural enterprises remains low today. Based on the results, the features of modern innovation processes are highlighted, as well as the problems of the development of the innovation environment are investigated. In addition, in Ukraine, several problems regarding the innovative development of the economy were revealed. As a result of the study, the authors concluded that continuous innovative development is the main direction of ensuring the growth of the national economy of Ukraine in the conditions that have developed in the state, especially in the post-war period. Some proposals have also been worked out.
Agro-industrial complex, countries of the European Union, innovations, innovative capacity, innovation index, Ukraine.
How to Cite:
Mohylna Liudmyla, Xu Tian, Pizniak Dmytro, Dashutina Liudmyla and Turchina Svitlana. Trends in the Development of Innovative Processes in the Global Economy: Ukraine as an Example. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol21-a204/
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