Reconceptualisation of Corporate Social Responsibility Model in the Era of Sustainable Development
(Pages 11-21)Monica Puspa Dewi Suganda Putri* and Yuris Tri Naili
Universitas Harapan Bangsa, Jalan Raden Patah, No.100, Banyumas Regency, Central Java 53182, Indonesia.
Corporate Social Responsibility must be based on the principle of social justice so that the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility will not burden one party resulting in the ineffective implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility. This research aims to reconceptualize the model of Corporate Social Responsibility in the legal framework in the era of sustainable development to realize social justice. This research is legal research with the type of empirical legal research. Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility does not mean that the state delegates its overall responsibility to business actors but invites business actors to work together to create sustainable development and improve people's quality of life. Social problems can only be solved through social engineering because the causes and consequences are multidimensional and involve many people. This reconceptualization includes Reconceptualisation of the Idea of Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility, which is carried out with the application of the Social Capital Concept; Reconceptualisation of Funding; Reconceptualisation of the Duties of the Central Government and Regional Governments; Reconceptualisation of the Corporate Social Responsibility Forum; Reconceptualisation of Awards; and Reconceptualisation of Administrative Sanctions.
Corporate Social Responsibility; Sustainable Development; Environmental law; Social justice.
JEL Classification Codes:
G30; K20; K22; Q01; Q56.
How to Cite:
Monica Puspa Dewi Suganda Putri and Yuris Tri Naili. Reconceptualisation of Corporate Social Responsibility Model in the Era of Sustainable Development. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at:
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