Ensuring the Socio-Economic Security of the Healthcare System in Terms of Improving the Efficiency of Public Administration of Economic Policy

(Pages 1701-1707)

Dymytrii Grytsyshen*, Ievgenii Andrieiev, Vitaliy Yunger, Serhii Petryk and Dmytro Tyshko
Department of National Security, Public Administration and Management, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Zhytomyr, 10001, Ukraine.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.185


The main purpose of the article is to provide information support for the application of technology for ensure the socio-economic security of the healthcare system. Within the framework of this goal, the main scientific objective of the article is to model the process of applying engineering technologies for ensure the socio-economic security of the healthcare system. The object of the study is the socio-economic security of the health care system. For this, a modern modeling methodology was applied, which includes the presentation of appropriate graphical diagrams with processes related to the application of engineering technologies for ensure the socio-economic security of the healthcare system. As a result, modeling of the application of technology engineering for ensure the socio economic security of the healthcare system was carried out. As an element of novelty and innovation, we can talk about the established models of application of engineering technologies for ensure the socio-economic security of the healthcare system. The study has a limitation in the form of not taking into account all possible engineering technologies for ensure the socio-economic security of the healthcare system. The prospects for further research will be devoted to the expansion of technology engineering for ensure the socio-economic security of the healthcare system.


Socio-Economic Security, Technologies, Security, Model, Healthcare, System, Public Administration, Economic Policy.

How to Cite:

Dymytrii Grytsyshen, Ievgenii Andrieiev, Vitaliy Yunger, Serhii Petryk and Dmytro Tyshko. Ensuring the Socio-Economic Security of the Healthcare System in Terms of Improving the Efficiency of Public Administration of Economic Policy. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol21-a185/

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