Application of Design Thinking to Develop a Comprehensive Mechanism to Address Covid-19's Impact on the Performance of Civil Servants1
(Pages 1472-1480)Yurii Dziurakh1, Nazar Podolchak2, Natalia Tsygylyk3, Veronika Karkovska4, Olena Bilyk4 and Oleh Sokil5
1Doctor of Philosophy in Public Management and Administration, Associate Professor, Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Institute of Public Administration, Governance and Professional Development, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine;
2Doctor in Economics Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Institute of Public Administration, Governance and Professional Development, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine;
3Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Institute of Public Administration, Governance and Professional Development, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine;
4Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Institute of Public Administration, Governance and Professional Development, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine;
5Doctor in Economics Sciences, Professor, Professor Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Institute of Public Administration, Governance and Professional Development, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.162
The development of design thinking plays a significant role in shaping team effectiveness and enhancing the individual capabilities of leaders, managers, and civil servants. In the context of geopolitical disruptions and new global challenges, including the Covid-19 pandemic, the issue of ensuring the effectiveness of key government agencies and organizations becomes a priority task. It requires thorough research and analysis of potential counter measures against negative influences. This article aims to analyze the application of design thinking as an effective tool for developing a comprehensive mechanism to address the effects of Covid-19 on the performance of civil servants. An important research direction is the analysis of the concept of design thinking and its structural components following the study's goals. Contemporary practices in design thinking development adhere to stable principles that can facilitate the operational and strategic functioning of teams and create conditions for further growth. The authors analyze the skills of government officials and representatives of authorities within Ukrainian government institutions. They determine their level of competence in specialized skills. The paper also assesses the potential for improving these skills to increase the efficiency of government agencies. The proposal suggests using the concept of design thinking based on the Stanford model. This model has proven to be an effective team development and decision-making tool. The authors outline the key structural elements of design thinking and provide detailed characteristics for each element. The article analyzes the basic principles of the mechanism for addressing the impact of Covid-19 through the introduction of design thinking technology. The study's results can help improve public institutions' efficiency and quality of work. They will create favorable conditions for the team's work and, as a result, ensure the solution to global problems. In addition, the available research results can be used to improve, develop, and modernize the design thinking implementation system to reduce the impact of Covid-19.
Addressing covid-19, Civil servants, Civil servants' progress, Corporate culture, Design thinking, Hard skills, Soft skills, Staff performance, Staff professional competencies.
How to Cite:
Yurii Dziurakh, Nazar Podolchak, Natalia Tsygylyk, Veronika Karkovska, Olena Bilyk and Oleh Sokil. Application of Design Thinking to Develop a Comprehensive Mechanism to Address Covid-19's Impact on the Performance of Civil Servants. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol21-a162/
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