Developing the Performance of Academic Leaders in Emerging Universities in the Light of Innovative Leadership
(Pages 1048-1053)Rashed Mahdi Alsalem*
Ministry of Education, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.116
Academic leaders in emerging universities have significantly impacted higher education institutions' progression in the future. Academic leaders must adopt cutting-edge leadership techniques as these colleges work to create their identities and obtain respect. Through the perspective of creative leadership, this article examines the relevance of improving the performance of academic leaders in growing institutions. Academic leaders may influence positive change, promote an innovative culture, educational improvement, curriculum progression, and employment growth, and advance their institutions' performance using new as well as creative ideas. Academic leaders are responsible for creating an environment that fosters faculty growth and development. Key performance indicators in this area include faculty recruitment and retention rates, the provision of professional development opportunities, mentorship programs, and the promotion of supportive and inclusive work culture. The hypothesis is framed based on the context of innovative leadership, and the statistical analysis indicates the effectiveness of academic leaders in emerging universities.
Innovative Leadership -- Performance Development -- Emerging Universities.
How to Cite:
Rashed Mahdi Alsalem. Developing the Performance of Academic Leaders in Emerging Universities in the Light of Innovative Leadership. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol21-a116/
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