Features of Functional Zoning of the Territory of the National Natural Park "Homilshanski Forests" For Preservation of Phytocenotic Rinhynosis
(Pages 994-1001)Suska Anastasiia1,*, Buzina Iryna2, Khainus Dmytro3, Borodin Yurii4 and Tupchii Olga5
1Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Woodworking Technologies and System Engineering of the Forest Complex, State University of Biotechnology, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
2Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Biotechnology in Crop Production, State Biotechnology University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
3Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Geodesy and Land Management, State Biotechnology University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
4Senior Lecturer of the Department of Forestry and Hunting, State University of Biotechnology, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
5Senior lecturer of the Department of Woodworking Technologies and System Engineering of the Forest Complex, State University of Biotechnology, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.109
One of the most important principles of effective use of nature reserves is functional zoning. The main task to be solved in the functional zoning of the territory is to study the features of the spatial distribution of natural complexes and anthropogenic load. In the course of the research, the authors of the article proposed a promising scheme of functional zoning of NNP "Homilshanski Forests". When planning the functional zoning of the NNP territory and establishing the boundaries of functional zones, the priority criterion was the preservation of phytocoenotic diversity of vegetation and especially the presence and distribution of typical and rare plant groups, which are listed in the Green Book of Ukraine. Analysis of the syntaxonomic composition of the vegetation of the NNP showed that in the vegetation of this area are rare phytocenoses included in the Green Book of Ukraine.
National nature parks, functional zoning, recreation, nature management, protection and rational nature management.
How to Cite:
Suska Anastasiia, Buzina Iryna, Khainus Dmytro, Borodin Yurii and Tupchii Olga. Features of Functional Zoning of the Territory of the National Natural Park "Homilshanski Forests" For Preservation of Phytocenotic Rinhynosis. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol21-a109/
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