Development of Digital Innovations in Company Financial Management
(Pages 826-835)Svitlana Oneshko1,*, Yevheniia Ostropolska2, Oksana Pomazun3, Yaroslav Hrynchyshyn4 and Roman Rak5
1PhD of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor Department of Economics and Finance, Institute of Marine Business,
Odessa National Maritime University, Mechnikova str, 34 Odessa 65029,
2PhD in Economics, Associate professor the Department of Management, Marketing and Public Administration Higher Educational Institution “Academician YuriyBugay International Scientific and technical university” (HEI “ISTU”), Department of Management, Marketing and Public Administration Ukraine, Kyiv, Magnitohorskyi lane 3.
3Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Economics Information Systems Department Institute Information
Technologies in Economics Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman 54/1 Peremogy Ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine.
4Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Financial Management Faculty of Financial Management and Business,Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 1, Universytetska str., Lviv, 79000.
5PhD in Economics,Associate Professor Department of finance Faculty of Economics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,Vasylkivska 90-A, room 410, Kiev-22, 03022, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2022.20.93
Relevance of the research. Digital innovations are increasingly penetrating all areas of business operations
and management. Today's companies are often faced with the choice of introducing digital innovations or ceasing to exist. Therefore, the study of how to make the implementation of digital innovations in the financial management of the company as effective as possible is a modern and relevant topic of research.
The purpose of the study: The article aims to investigate the role, advantages, and disadvantages of digital innovations in the financial management of the company, as well as to determine current trends in digital innovations and
the degree of their integration into the activities of companies.
Methodology: Used methods: analysis and synthesis, the method of economic-statistical analysis, graphic methods.
As a result of the study, the necessity of implementing digital innovations in the financial management of the company was established, the advantages and disadvantages of this process were identified, the priority areas of innovation implementation, and the main barriers to their implementation were outlined. The range of modern digital innovations in company finance was presented and the percentage of companies that use them was determined. The novelty of the research consists in comparing the theory and practice of implementing digital innovations in the management of company finances by determining the share of companies that use new technologies. The practical significance lies in the possibility of applying the results in the activities of companies planning to introduce digital innovations
Digital innovation, Digitalization, Financial management, Fintech, Company, Data analysis, Information.
JEL Classification:
D 33, E 52, G 14.
How to Cite:
Svitlana Oneshko, Yevheniia Ostropolska, Oksana Pomazun, Yaroslav Hrynchyshyn and Roman Rak. Development of Digital Innovations in Company Financial Management. [ref]: vol.20.2022. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol20-a93/
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