Paradigm of a Country Competitiveness Under Conditions of Digital Economy

(Pages 572-580)

Bochko O.Yu1,* , Maletska O.I2, Tsitska N.Е2 and Kapral O.R3
1Department of marketing and logistics National University “Lviv Politechnika”, Lviv, Ukraine.
2Department of Accounting and Taxation Lviv National Agrarian University, Lviv, Ukraine.
3Department of marketing and logistics National University “Lviv Politechnika”, Lviv, Ukraine.


The article discusses rating of Ukraine and its neighboring countries by the Global Index of competitiveness of countries. It analyzes dynamics of alterations of indices of Belarus, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Russian Federation, Romania, Slovak Republic and Ukraine in the ratings of countries by the level of digitalization of economy. It presents a polygon model of competitiveness of countries by the indices of competitiveness of digital economies. The research suggests the researched to be focused on problematic aspects, especially, on those causing their low indices in digital economy. Poland should pay its most attention to solve problems connected with the lack of labor, automation of industrial operations and factor of virtual reality. Moldova is recommended to apply the instruments of Gig-Economy with their ability to change the general character of employment. All suggested recommendations for improvement of ratings lie in improvement and unification of legislative basis for raising cyber security as well as the level of readiness of centralized bodies to react adequately on cyber attacks and cyber incidents on the national level.


Digital economy, competitiveness, Labor Freedom, Trade Freedom, Monetary Freedom, Index of Economic Freedom, Global Cyberlaw Tracker, E-Participation Index, Global Cyber Security Index.

How to Cite:

Bochko O.Yu, Maletska O.I, Tsitska N.Е and Kapral O.R. Paradigm of a Country Competitiveness Under Conditions of Digital Economy. [ref]: vol.20.2022. available at:

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