Brexit as an Opportunity for Business

(Pages 490-495)

Jorge Vasconcellos e Sá1, Natália Teixeira1,* and Márcia Serra2
1Instituto Superior de Gestão, Portugal; 2Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal.


This paper analyses Brexit as an opportunity at the micro and niche level, and not in a macro level. The opportunities are twofold: substitution of UK exports to Europe; and shifting of a country (or company) export to the UK into other destinations. The methodology used to assess the opportunities created by Brexit evaluates the results from different perspectives based on the case study of Finland (analysis in absolute terms), the Netherlands (analysis in relative terms), and the case of the Irish company Green Isle Foods (both types of opportunities).


Brexit Economic Impact; Business Opportunity; British Foreign Trade.

JEL Codes:

F1 Trade; F100 Trade: General.

How to Cite:

Jorge Vasconcellos e Sá, Natália Teixeira and Márcia Serra. Brexit as an Opportunity for Business. [ref]: vol.20.2022. available at:

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