Influence of Closed-Loop Technologies on Local Development of Communities and Formation of Their Social and Economic Security
(Pages 417-423)Olena Shebanina1,*, Iurii Kormyshkin2, Valentyna Umanska3, Iryna Allakhverdiyeva4 and Georgiy Reshetilov4
1Full Doctor in Economics, Dean of the Faculty of Management, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine.
2Full Doctor in Economics, Professor at the Department of Public Administration and Administration and International Economy,
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine.
3PhD in Economics, Department of Public Administration and Administration and International Economy, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine.
4PhD Student, Department of Public Administration and Administration and International Economy, Mykolayiv National Agrarian
University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2022.20.49
Regional development in Ukraine is an important component of state policy. This is due to the fact that in the conditions of social and economic security, each community will be provided with security of the country as a whole. This study is topical in the role of community development for the modern economy of Ukraine. In the article describes how technologies of a closed-loop in the territory of regions help to achieve the highest level of social and economic security. The purpose of the work is to image this influence. The main method of writing the article was the analysis. In the article the author showed that the impact on the development of the region from the introduction of the concept of circular economy on its territory will be generally positive. This is justified by the reduction of dependence of the region on resource prices and other external factors, the reduction of the price of products in the long term, the lower pressure on ecology, creation of new jobs and some other advantages. However, the introduction of this concept of development can create some problems, especially at the initial stage. They are connected with financing of processing technologies, because of which local communities will need considerable support of the state. The article will be useful for studying ideas of sustainable development and helps other authors in writing theirworks;also, it can be useful for analysis of socio-economic situation in regions of Ukraine, etc.
Sustainable Development; Regional Development; State Policy; Economy of Ukraine; Social and Economic Security.
JEL Codes:
L38, L53, Q01.
How to Cite:
Olena Shebanina, Iurii Kormyshkin, Valentyna Umanska, Iryna Allakhverdiyeva and Georgiy Reshetilov. Influence of Closed-Loop Technologies on Local Development of Communities and Formation of Their Social and Economic Security. [ref]: vol.20.2022. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol20-a49/
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