Analysis of Aspects of the Regional Economy in the Digital Economy, Using the Example of Financial Services

(Pages 203-207)

Olegs Cernisevs1, Andrey Surmach2 and Stanislavs Buka2,*
1PhD Student, Faculty of Regional Economy and Economic Policy, Baltic International Academy, Riga, Latvia.
2Full Doctor in Economics, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Regional Economy and Economic Policy, Baltic International Academy, Riga, Latvia.


The relevance of the study is that, in the aspects of the development and offer of financial products are not manifested outside the digital world, then from the point of the need for analysis, the question of the possibility and necessity of applying the existing approaches of the regional economy. Тraditional regional economic theories of the 20th century can be summarized as made-here-sold-there goods. The aim of the study is to analyse the offer of electronic financial services, as part of the Digital Economy, from the point of view of the regional economy. Research methodology includes analysis and synthesis of financial market knowledge. Financial services as an example were chosen by the authors since such services are completely provided in the digital field and thus will exclude the influence of aspects of the product or service that are provided outside the digital world on the final judgments and analysis. The paper discusses models for individual cases in the regional economy, when all regions are equally distant from each other. It is determined that a modern financial product can be based on local industries located in different regions, but united by one production - the so-called ecosystem, which has been studied at the international level.


Digitalisation; Economy; Entrepreneurship; Financial Services; Regionalism.

JEL Codes:

O30, R11.

How to Cite:

Olegs Cernisevs, Andrey Surmach and Stanislavs Buka. Analysis of Aspects of the Regional Economy in the Digital Economy, Using the Example of Financial Services. [ref]: vol.20.2022. available at:

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