Research on the Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Engagement

(Pages 1364-1375)

Quang Van Ngo* and Khoa Dinh Vu
Faculty of Business Management, Hanoi University of Industry, 298 Cau Dien – Bac Tu Liem – Hanoi – Vietnam


The study of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is considered from many angles of management - strategic management, human resource management, marketing, finance... This article is aimed at an overview of CSR research related to employee engagement. Businesses that want to develop sustainably need to pay attention to CSR to stand out from competitors and have a good image in the eyes of the community. Retaining employees so that they stick with the business for a long time can be considered very successful. This research paper focuses on the target group of employees in some businesses. The study used the SEM linear structure model to test the hypotheses. The survey results show that elements of pride, emotional commitment, Organizational identification and intrinsic motivations of social responsibility make them more engaged with the business. The article gives some implications for helping employees engage with the business more in the context of the current covid 19 pandemic and future orientation.


Corporate Social Responsibility, Employee engagement, Employee pride, Emotional commitment, Organizational identification, Intrinsic motivation.

How to Cite:

Quang Van Ngo and Khoa Dinh Vu. Research on the Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Engagement. [ref]: vol.20.2022. available at:

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