The Impact of Digitalization on the Model of Entrepreneurship Innovative Development
(Pages 1141-1149)Marharyta M. Berdar1,*, Nataliia V. Butenko1, Liudmyla P. Hatska1, Julia A. Sagaydack1 and Darya O. Semenova2
1Department of Environmental Management and Entrepreneurship, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Department of Economics and Business Technology, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2022.20.128
The relevance of the declared subject of scientific research is due to the limited practical research regarding the positive impact of digitalization processes on the development opportunities of enterprises through the introduction of innovations. The purpose of this research is to study the actual results and evaluate the prospects for using the digital technologies as a competitive advantages for business, as well as confirmation of the positive impact of digitalization on the management of innovative processes at the enterprise. In this research, the following concepts became the methodological basis: the combination of system analysis in the study of implementation processes and the effective use of modern technologies for business digitalization, and the generalization of theoretical data and results of analytical information regarding the use of digital technologies at the enterprises in today's conditions. It is substantiated that the rational use of advantages of the digitalization implementation process is a prerequisite for the business success in the digital economy. The significance of the results. The results of the scientific study, as well as the conclusions formulated on their basis, are of significant importance for the owners and enterprises’ management.
Technologies, Competitiveness of Enterprises, Digitization, Digitalization, Digital Transformation, E-Commerce.
JEL Codes:
K20; L26; O31.
How to Cite:
Marharyta M. Berdar, Nataliia V. Butenko, Liudmyla P. Hatska, Julia A. Sagaydack and Darya O. Semenova. The Impact of Digitalization on the Model of Entrepreneurship Innovative Development. [ref]: vol.20.2022. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol20-a128/
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