Neoliberal Reforms: China's Lessons for Western Democracy
(Pages 1094-1100)Zilvinas Svigaris*
Department of the History of Philosophy and Analytic Philosophy, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2022.20.122
The relevance of the article is determined by the need to study China's neoliberal reforms to deeper understand China’s experience. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive study of China's reforms, a thorough assessment of the results and the possibilities of using China's positive experience. For the achievement of the specified goal, such methods as a corporate method, analysis and synthesis were used. The article concludes that western democracies have become neoliberal with all the disproportions of economic and political power that have emerged in capitalist society. It was found that the power acquired in the free market not only deformed the integrity of society and economic and political balance but also, it created the so-called recession of Western democracies. It is emphasized that proper education, changing the role of politicians and the activity of citizens, together with the emergence of new possibilities of digital democracy may give a glimpse of how to use the new opportunities for strengthening democracies. It is concluded that the reforms held in China in recent years have paradoxically shown that free market economics could also have positive aspects for society. The conclusions obtained in the article develop political science and contribute to the solution of questions regarding the choice of ways of development of Western democracies. The article can be useful in the educational process in the preparation of political scientists, as well as in work on scientific literature.
Democratic Reforms, Free Market, Decentralization, Neoliberalism, Chinese Economic Reforms.
JEL Codes:
P11; P21
How to Cite:
Zilvinas Svigaris. Neoliberal Reforms: China's Lessons for Western Democracy. [ref]: vol.20.2022. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol20-a122/
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