Dynamic Panel Data Analysis of the Impact of Climatic Shocks on Food security
(Pages 255-263)Zouhaier Hadhek*,1 and Sawssen Nafti2, Fatma Mrad2 and Mosbah Lafi3
1University of Gabès Higher Institute of Management of Gabès.
2Faculty of Economics and Management of Sousse.
3University of Gabès Higher Institute of Management of Gabès.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2021.19.26
The present work attempts to address the problem of promoting sustainable food safety in a world constrained by land, water and energy. Firstly, by analyzing the impact of economic growth on FS. Then via the determination of the impact of CC on FS. Finally through the analysis of the relationship between the economic growth and CO2 emissions for developing countries with different samples and different empirical studies.
Food safety- economic growth - CC - CO2 Emission.
JEL Classification:
Q18- O4- Q54- F1
How to Cite:
Zouhaier Hadhek and Sawssen Nafti, Fatma Mrad and Mosbah Lafi. Dynamic Panel Data Analysis of the Impact of Climatic Shocks on Foodsecurity. [ref]: vol.19.2021. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol19-a26/
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