Analyses of Optimum Production Scenarios for Sustainable Power Production in Morocco
(Pages 184-195)Soufiyan Bahetta* and Rachid Hasnaoui
PhD Student, Faculty of Economics and Management – Kénitra.
Professor-researcher, Faculty of Economics and Management – Kénitra.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2021.19.18
The Moroccan electricity system is facing several challenges, including the sustained growth in energy demand, the strong dependence on the outside, and the preservation of the environment. This article aims to demonstrate the contribution of a carbon tax and an emission cap in the development of renewable energy sources. For this purpose, we opt-in this study for bottom-up modeling, using OSeMOSYS, which is an optimization model for long-term energy planning. The results show that: taking into account both mechanisms will lead to a diversification of the production park with greater penetration of renewable energy technologies, thus reducing the overall production of fossil fuels in Morocco. Consequently, it follows that the carbon tax offers a large deployment of renewable energy sources at the expense of a transitory increase in the total cost of the electricity system.
Electricity mix, Renewable energies, Optimization, OSeMOSYS, greenhouse gases (GHG), Morocco.
JEL Classification:
How to Cite:
Soufiyan Bahetta and Rachid Hasnaoui. Analyses of Optimum Production Scenarios for Sustainable Power Production in Morocco. [ref]: vol.19.2021. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol19-a18/
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