Detecting the Incidence and Benefits Foregone of Elder Abuse Neglect: The Case of Hearing Aids in Nursing Homes
(Pages 169-175)Robert J. Brent*
Department of Economics, Fordham University, 441 East Fordham Road, Bronx, New York 10458.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2021.19.16
Neglect is the form of elder abuse that is most likely to be underreported. We provide a three-part test that can be used to uncover the incidence of elder abuse neglect. We apply the test to nursing homes in the form of the under-provision of hearing aids (HAs). To prove HA neglect, it must be shown that they are needed, socially worthwhile and underprovided. All three test results reveal negligence in the context of HAs in nursing homes. The main contribution of the article is to provide empirical evidence related to the third test, based on a large national panel data set using a two-way, random effects regression. Nursing home usage of HAs is one-sixth lower that it would be if older adults lived out in the community. The approximate value lost in the US by this elder abuse neglect is estimated to be $4.4 billion. It is recommended that greater use of hearing aids would be forthcoming if the nursing home institutions themselves recognized the nature and scope of the hearing loss problem of residents .
Detecting Elder Abuse Neglect; Nursing Homes; Hearing Aids; Foregone Benefits..
How to Cite:
Robert J. Brent. Detecting the Incidence and Benefits Foregone of Elder Abuse Neglect: The Case of Hearing Aids in Nursing Homes. [ref]: vol.19.2021. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol19-a16/
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