Issues of Competitiveness Estimation of Financial Institutions

(Pages 917-925)

Tetiana V. Kniazieva1,*, Anna S. Maryna2, Anna V. Shevchenko1, Kateryna Shvets3 and Mykhailo Goncharenko4
1Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, National Aviation University, 03058, 1 Lubomyr Husar Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine.
2Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, National Aviation University, 03058, 1 Lubomyr Husar Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine.
3Department of Public Administrative, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine, 03039, 2 Frometivska str., Kyiv, Ukraine.
4Department of Management, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, 2 Frometivska str., Kyiv, Ukraine.


The topicality of the research is stipulated by the lack of commonly accepted approaches and methods of financial institutions’ competitiveness estimation. This impedes their effective development as an important element of the financial markets infrastructure. The aim of the research is to develop an algorithm and a model of financial institutions competitiveness estimation by improving existing methods in accordance with specifics of the financial sector functioning. The main research method is the analysis of factors, determining the specifics of financial institutions’ functioning, and their consideration in the competitiveness estimation model. The article presents the algorithm and the model of financial institutions’ competitiveness estimation, taking into account the specifics of activities by financial products producers and selling them. The model is aimed to estimate objectively the level of financial institutions’ competitiveness by taking into account the factors of the development of the company environment and the specifics of selling their financial products.


Financial market, financial institutions, competitiveness, competitiveness estimation, competitiveness estimation model.

How to Cite:

Tetiana V. Kniazieva, Anna S. Maryna, Anna V. Shevchenko, Kateryna Shvets and Mykhailo Goncharenko. Issues of Competitiveness Estimation of Financial Institutions. [ref]: vol.20.2022. available at:

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