Features of Providing Engineering and Infrastructure Objects with Geospatial Information
(Pages 639-646)Serhii Vynohradenko1, Arkadii Siedov1, Mykola Trehub2, Yuliia Zakharchenko3 and Yuliia Trehub2
1Department of Land Administration and Cadastre, State Biotechnological University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
2Department of Geodesy, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine.
3Department of Marketing, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2022.20.74
The urgency of the research is due to the fact that there is a necessity to develop and maintain new mineral deposits for which it is necessary to perform surveying and geodetic works and three-dimensional modeling of the earth’s surface. Based on the obtained results the geospatial data are formed. With the help of these data we can design and equip the mineral deposits and determine the geological structures and engineering infrastructure of these deposits. In addition, the geospatial data are the basis and source information of documents during the state cadastral registration and registration of land use rights. On this base, the research has the following scientific and technical task: to analyze the possibilities of using different methods for providing GIS of engineering and infrastructure systems with the geospatial information, and with the data for 3D modeling of the studied objects. Corporate GIS is filled with the data on the state of the engineering infrastructure using the information from space surveying systems with high and medium spatial resolution, as well as survey materials from unmanned aerial vehicles and aerial laser scanning. Monitoring of engineering systems is also carried out using the data of ground geodetic surveys. The analysis of the possibility of using different methods of providing GIS geospatial information with materials from space surveys with different spatial resolution, data of unmanned aerial vehicles and laser scanning, trigonometric leveling is conducted. The results of the research showed that the data of remote sensing of the Earth with different resolutions, of unmanned aerial vehicles, make it possible to form arrays of geospatial data necessary for organizations engaged in the operation of engineering systems that provide reference data for planning. Also, they allow to obtain data with sufficient accuracy when creating high-level geodetic justification, when it is necessary to increase the accuracy to III and IV classes. It was established that instead of labor-intensive geometric leveling, it is advisable to supplement the data with information obtained by the method of trigonometric leveling using high precision electronic tachometers.
Geospatial data, Decoding of aerospace images, Geoinformation technologies, Unmanned aerial vehicles, Aerial laser scanning, Three-dimensional model of the earth’s surface, Trigonometric leveling, High-precision electronic tacheometer.
How to Cite:
Serhii Vynohradenko, Arkadii Siedov, Mykola Trehub, Yuliia Zakharchenko and Yuliia Trehub. Features of Providing Engineering and Infrastructure Objects with Geospatial Information. [ref]: vol.20.2022. available at: https://refpress.org/ref-vol20-a74/
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