Digital Banking Penetration: Impact on Students’ Usage Frequency and Awareness

(Pages 562-571)

Dr. R. Fahima Sultana1,* and Dr. Jihen Bousrih2
1Department of Accounting & Finance, Shri Shankarlal Sundarbai Shasun Jain College
2Economics Department, College of Business Administration, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University


This survey has been taken to understand the digital banking penetration into the students. The level of digital penetration among the students has remained uncalculated. Students benefit from online banking in several ways and it has impacted on student’s usage frequency and its awareness. They can execute their money transaction at ease. The life style is expected to be miraculous. Even with a rapid advancement of internet technology, the factor limiting the students from getting penetrated from the digital banking remains to be dull due to unawareness and low frequency of usage. The Reserve Bank of India is making a progressive effort to build an opportunity to create a strong awareness among the students to increase the frequency of digital banking penetration amongst the students. Digital banking, also known as online banking, internet banking, e-banking, virtual banking, or electronic banking, is widely used and well-known under various names, but it supports the same set of financial transactions. Although the majority of people are aware of online banking, banks must take the necessary steps to educate their customers about new technology and the connected digital services they provide. In order to attract customers, the bank will need to increase customer meeting times. This will automatically increase India's acceptance of digital banking [1]. Any rapidly developing economy needs e-banking, also referred to as net banking. Undoubtedly, there is an exponential growth, but the Government needs to make serious efforts to ensure that online transactions continue to grow. In this era of globalisation, the Indian government must act quickly to promote a cashless society. India must create a user-friendly and effective method for entering the digital banking sector and raising awareness at the same time [2].


Digital banking penetration; Students’ usage frequency; Students Awareness; Online banking.

How to Cite:

Dr. R. Fahima Sultana and Dr. Jihen Bousrih. Digital Banking Penetration: Impact on Students’ Usage Frequency and Awareness. [ref]: vol.20.2022. available at:

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