Financial and Economic Security in Ukraine: Improving a System based on the International Example

(Pages 208-215)

Serhii Cherniavskyi1,*, Oleksandr Dzhuzha2, Viktoria Babanina3 and Yuriy Harust4
1Professor, Vice-Rector of National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine.
2Professor, Temporary Acting Head of the Department of Criminal Law, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine.
3Professor at the Department of Criminal Law, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine.
4Associate Professor at the Department of Administrative, Commercial Law and Financial and Economic Security, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine


It is crucial for economics of the state to find ways to improve the security system of the country. The purpose of the study was to analyze the economic security of Ukraine, compare it with the systems existing in other countries and provide practical recommendations for improving the security system. General theoretical methods were used, as well as the regulation acts of the European countries on this issue were analyzed. The experience of European countries was studied and the factors influencing their financial and economic security policies were identified. Legislation regulating Ukraine's economic security and its practical implementation were analyzed. Conclusions were drawn on the need for reforms in the domestic and foreign economic policy of the country which will provide better security.


National Economy, Financial and Economic Policy, Economic Protection, European Integration, Economic Progress.

JEL Codes:

F51, О10.

How to Cite:

Serhii Cherniavskyi, Oleksandr Dzhuzha, Viktoria Babanina and Yuriy Harust. Financial and Economic Security in Ukraine: Improving a System based on the International Example. [ref]: vol.20.2022. available at:

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