The Challenges of Economic Decentralization: A Systematic Literature Review Against Research Trends for 2013 – 2023

(Pages 1288-1294)

Frans Ellyon Gracio1,*, Drajat Tri Kartono2, Didik Gunawan Suharto3
1Master's student, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia.
2, 3Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Central Java, Indonesia.


Based on the research trends among scholars, few investigate how governance, finance, and public policies developed in implementing decentralization in Indonesia. However, bibliometric analyzes are rare to choose from to lay the groundwork for further research on decentralization in Indonesia. This article explores issues related to devolution in Indonesia through various recent literature. The findings in this study are expected to become a consideration for related stakeholders in responding to the decentralization problems. A data search on the Scopus database yielded at least 179 documents; findings in research into the economic impact of decentralization have yielded mixed results, with some studies finding positive effects while others foundadverse effects. This suggests that the economic implications of decentralization are complex and context-specific and depend on factors such as institutional capacity, regional gaps, and the effectiveness of coordination mechanisms.


Decentralization; fiscal; economy; bibliometric analysis; Indonesia.

How to Cite:

Frans Ellyon Gracio, Drajat Tri Kartono, Didik Gunawan Suharto. The Challenges of Economic Decentralization: A Systematic Literature Review Against Research Trends for 2013 – 2023. [ref]: vol.21.2023. available at:

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